German courses for Recognized refugees
German courses for recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
Who is funded?
- Recognized refugees
- Beneficiaries of subsidary protection
Which language levels will be funded?
- A1 Alpha, A1 and A2, B1, B2
To what extent will funding be awarded?
- Funding can be awarded to a maximum of 750 Euros for each language level.
How can funding be applied for?
- Please register yourself for Vienna, Lower Austria or Burgenland using the telephone number 01 / 715 10 51-300 and to arrange a personal consultation appointment.
- At the appointment you will receive important information and you can apply for the language development fund with the ÖIF.
- Applications for language development must be registered at the Welcome Desk a minimum of 3 weeks before the start of the German course.
For an application you need:
- For Recognized refugees: An Asylum decision and a valid Convention Passport.
- For Beneficiaries of protection: An Asylum decision and a valid Beneficiary of protection card.
- Residence registration.
- Cost estimation for a language course with IV certified courses.
- If available: AMS-Appointment Card.
Address and Opening Times of the Welcome Desks:
Integration Centre Wien
Landstraßer Hauptstraße 26, 1030 Wien
Monday -Thursday 7:30-18:30
Friday 7:30-15:30
We will gladly advise you personally or on the telephone to find the right German course together.
Please contact us if you would like any further information.